Since docker version 19 it start notifying the user that the docker credentials are stored unencrypted.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted …
To solve this we will use the Docker credential-store feature.
- Ubuntu: docker-credential-pass
- OSX: osxkeychain
- Windows: wincred
In this blog post we are going to use install the latest docker-credential-pass helper in combination with pass as a store and gpg for key generation.
sudo apt-get install -y pass gpg
gpg2 --gen-key
# copy gpg-key
pass init "<gpg-pub-key>"
sed -i '0,/{/s/{/{\n\t"credsStore": "pass",/' ~/.docker/config.json
The following one-line will download the latest docker-credential-pass
helper from github and extract it to the ~/bin
curl -fsSLI -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | xargs curl -s | grep -o "https.*docker-credential-pass.*tar.gz" | wget -qi - && mkdir -p ~/bin && tar -xvf docker-credential-pass-v*-amd64.tar.gz -C ~/bin
Finally, login with your docker credentials.
docker login